Dear Santa…
A seasonal innovation song
It’s the time of year when letters are getting hastily scribbled and sent to the old gentleman in Lapland expressing preferences for possible presents. This is a sample from a somewhat frustrated but ever hopeful innovation manager….
(you can listen to the song here….. or watch it here)
Dear Santa,
I’ve been a good boy all year round, I really have, it’s true
Working hard at innovation, trying to be the best that I can be
I’m writing you this letter now to help give you a clue
About what I’d really like to find beneath the Christmas tree….
An idea that just sells itself, the best thing since sliced bread
And a market full of people just like me
Who appreciate the vision in my value proposition
And are prepared to take my genius as read
They won’t need any marketing to climb the diffusion curve
All early adopters, helping spread the word
From launch to saturation you just watch my innovation
As it’s taken up and used right round the world!
Of course to make that happen I’m going to need some aid
Colleagues who are keen to pull it off
Lots of co-operation, strong support not condemnation,
And a boss who gets the way this game is played
Who’ll give me all her backing, her unwavering support
A budget without limits, time constraints not given a thought
Who’ll always be on my side, every battle that we fight
Who won’t worry when the whole investment fails!
I’ll need some tools to help me, some power technology
Things to make sure that the job gets done
A crystal ball to help us see where we should point our R&D
And spot emerging markets early on
A magic wand to turn ideas to perfect business cases
A prototype that passes through all those tricky phases
Some innovation goggles to help everyone to see
That the one they should be listening to is me!
Some innovation fairy dust to sprinkle on the world
Something to enhance risk appetite
To make thinking radical appear to be no stretch at all
Breakthrough ideas swallowed with every bite
A muzzle for nay-sayers, earplugs for blocking out
The criticisms when they come both hard and fast
And a league of superheroes, avengers who don’t know
The meaning of the words ‘we can’t!’
I know that it might sound a lot, I know the list is long
I hope I don’t sound greedy in this song
But I feel such real frustration in this game of innovation
These are things I’d like to help move it along
But if I really have to choose, pick out a single gift
The one which will bring me real Christmas cheer
Then please, oh please dear Santa
Do everything you can to
Give me patience to get through another year!
You can listen to this and other podcasts here
And a video version on my YouTube channel here
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